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Jan 9, 2023
Weird Vaccine Stats... Second Study Shows That Getting The COVID Vaccine, Especially Multiple Doses-may Increase Your Chance Of Contracting COVID
Weird Vaccine Stats... Second Study Shows That Getting The COVID Vaccine, Especially Multiple Doses-may Increase Your Chance Of Contracting COVID
At the beginning of last week I referenced a Cleveland Clinic study that demonstrated that vaccinated employees of the institution contracted COVID at a substantially higher rate than those who chose not to get vaccinated, and that the relationship gets stronger the more doses of the vaccine the person got. The relationship was striking and worrisome, and even led the researchers-no slouches here, as the Cleveland Clinic rivals the Mayo Clinic as the most prestigious medical institution in the country-to suggest a reconsideration of current vaccine policies. They don't exactly criticize current policy, but their analysis clearly implied that the current policy is a mistake. They noted that theirs was hardly the only study to detect a positive correlation between vaccination and infection. We still have a lot to learn about protection from COVID-19 vaccination, and in addition to a vaccine's effectiveness it is important to examine whether multiple vaccine doses given over time
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